Create or Update Event

Required plan: Emerging

Description #

Requests conferencing details are added to an event. When creating or updating an event, add the conferencing property as specified below. When the conferencing property is not specified, we will not make changes to the event’s conferencing. Changes to the events summary, start time or end time will be reflected on the conference.

Please note: Conferencing services cannot be added to past events. If the start of an event is in the past then conferencing won’t be generated during the creation of the event.

Example Requests #

POST /v1/calendars/cal_n23kjnwrw2_jsdfjksn234/events HTTP/1.1
Host: {data_center_url}
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "event_id": "qTtZdczOccgaPncGJaCiLg",
  "summary": "Board meeting",
  "description": "Discuss plans for the next quarter.",
  "start": "2025-03-25T15:30:00Z",
  "end": "2025-03-25T17:00:00Z",
  "conferencing": {
    "profile_id": "default"
POST /v1/calendars/cal_n23kjnwrw2_jsdfjksn234/events HTTP/1.1
Host: {data_center_url}
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "event_id": "qTtZdczOccgaPncGJaCiLg",
  "summary": "Board meeting",
  "description": "Discuss plans for the next quarter.",
  "start": "2025-03-25T15:30:00Z",
  "end": "2025-03-25T17:00:00Z",
  "conferencing": {
    "profile_id": "explicit",
    "provider_description": "Custom conferencing",
    "join_url": ""

Parameters #

data_center_url required

The URL for the data center you want to communicate with. Possible choices are:

  • - πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί Australia
  • - πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Canada
  • - πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Germany
  • - πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ Singapore
  • - πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ United Kingdom
  • - πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States

Find out more about Cronofy's data centers.

conferencing optional  #

Object describing the desired conferencing details.

conferencing.profile_id required  #

When provided defines the conferencing profile to use when provisioning the conference details.

This should equal one of the built-in values, or, to explicitly select a conferencing profile, a profile_id taken from the account’s Conferencing Profiles.

Built-in values
  • default is a special value to ease integration. This has the following preference:

    1. The default conferencing profile out of those authorized by the user. This will be the first conferencing profile that they have authorized unless the user has explicitly chosen a default.
    2. The integrated conferencing provider for the destination calendar, if available.
      • Google Calendars usually offer Google Meet
      • Microsoft 365 calendars using the Graph API usually offer Microsoft Teams
    3. With no other conferencing option available, no conferencing will be provisioned.
  • none explicitly removes conferencing from an event.

  • explicit is a special value which allows you to manually specify the conferencing join details. When using explicit, you must also specify the conferencing.provider_description and conferencing.join_url parameters.

  • integrated is a special value which requests the integrated conferencing service for the destination calendar be used. Both Google Meet is avialable for most Google Calendars, and Microsoft Teams is supported for Microsoft 365 calendars when connected via the Graph API. Support can be checked by reading the calendar_integrated_conferencing_available value in the UserInfo API or List Calendars API.

If you wish to disable integrated conferencing, then:

  • Disabling Google Meet can be done via your Google Workspace settings.
  • Disabling Microsoft Teams is covered in this FAQ page.
conferencing.provider_description  #

Required, and only used, when using the explicit special conferencing.profile_id.

Use this to specify the user-facing name of the conferencing provider. This displays in calendars that have native support for conferencing, for example on the Google Calendar conferencing join button.

conferencing.join_url  #

Required, and only used, when using the explicit special conferencing.profile_id.

Use this to specify the URL to join the conference. This must be an HTTP/HTTPS URI.

Example Event With Conferencing Assigned #

  "event_id": "qTtZdczOccgaPncGJaCiLg",
  "summary": "Board meeting",
  "description": "Discuss plans for the next quarter.",
  "start": "2020-04-11T15:30:00Z",
  "end": "2020-04-11T17:00:00Z",
  "conferencing": {
    "provider_name": "zoom",
    "join_url": ""

Conferencing details are added asynchronously. Your application can subscribe to a push notification when this is assigned. See Conferencing Services Push Notification documentation for more information.

Prior to conference generation

The event’s conferencing value will be set to { "pending": true }.

For explicit conferencing, the pending status will still appear but it can be ignored as this only is relevant for conferencing values that will be generated by Cronofy.

After successful conference generation

The conferencing value is set to an object containing details of the conference:

  • join_url - the URL which can be used to join the conference.
  • provider_name - a value representing the service used. For conferencing profile_id values which rely on some resolution, such as default, this will represent the service the value resolved to.

Possible provider_name values include:

  • 8x8
  • go_to
  • google_meet when resolved from the integrated option against a Google calendar
  • ms_teams
  • ms_teams_for_business when resolved from the integrated option against a Microsoft calendar
  • zoom

This value can also be null when explicit conferencing is defined. The list should not be treated as exhaustive, as new services will be added over time.

Error Responses #

422 Unprocessable #

Requesting integrated conferencing on a calendar which does not support it will result in the following error response.

This might be because the target calendar is not a Google calendar, or because Google Meet has been administratively disabled on that account in the case of a Google Workspace domain.

  "errors": {
    "conferencing.profile_id": [
          "key": "errors.integrated_conferencing_not_available",
          "description": "Integrated conferencing is not available on this calendar"