Calendar Sync

Required plan: Emerging

The Calendar Sync element is an interactive display of your profile synchronization status.

If you have not yet connected any profiles, it will show you authorization links for supported providers (Google, iCloud, Office 365, Outlook, and Exchange). If you have already connected one or more profiles, it will show you a list of those profiles along with the synchronization status for each profile (“active”, “pending” or “disconnected”). If the status is “disconnected” (meaning that a relink is required) then the element will also display a relink button. For editable account types, you can also add new accounts and disconnect existing ones within the element’s UI.

Demo #

Example initialization #

<div id="cronofy-calendar-sync"></div>
<script src=""></script>
        target_id: "cronofy-calendar-sync",
        authorization: {
            redirect_uri: "",
            client_id: "XXX",
            scope: "read_only"
        styles: {
            prefix: "CalendarSync"

Element permissions #

account_management is required when generating the Element Token. The Element Token used should be for a single sub only.

If the user is connecting for the first time, you should not generate a token, and should omit it from the Element’s configuration.

Adding profiles #

The Calendar Sync element includes the ability to add new calendar accounts. This option is available when the cronofy.type is account which can be viewed in the callback response. Users start the authorization flow by clicking one of the authorization links (exposed by clicking the “Add calendar account” button). When the process is complete, the user is returned to the redirect_uri with a code included as a URL parameter. This code should then be used to request an access token.

CalendarSync options #

element_token optional  #
The Element Token the Calendar Sync Element will use to communicate with Cronofy.

Not required if the Element is activated in demo mode, and must be omitted if the user is connecting for the first time.

target_id required  #
The ID of the DOM node the Element will be loaded in to.

authorization required  #
An object containing the params needed to create an authorization link (used when connecting new profiles). redirect_uri, client_id, and scope are required, but every param you add here will be added to the query string of the generated authorization URL. Full details can be found in the Authorization section.

authorization.redirect_uri required  #
The HTTP or HTTPS URI you wish the user’s authorization request decision to be redirected to. Full details can be found here: redirect_uri.

authorization.client_id required  #
The client_id issued to you by Cronofy to authenticate your OAuth Client. Authenticates you as a trusted client.

authorization.scope required  #
The scope of the privileges you want the eventual access_token to grant. Full details can be found in the scopes list.

authorization_url optional  #
It is possible to explicitly declare your own authorization url, and bypass the built-in authorization link. The user-selected provider will be appended to the authorization_url as a query string (for example, when clicking the link to add a Google provider, the following will be appended to the url: ?provider_name=google).

Declaring an authorization_url removes the need for the authorization options outlined above, although any authorization options you do declare will be appended as query parameters to the authorization_url.

data_center optional  #
Designates the Cronofy data center the Element will communicate with.

Default value is us.

locale optional  #
The Calendar Sync element supports localization (e.g. locale: "fr" to load in French). Defaults to browser language setting.

Supported locales (languages) for the UI Elements are:

  • ar Arabic
  • cs Czech
  • cy Welsh
  • de German
  • en US English (default)
  • es Spanish
  • fr French
  • fr-CA Canadian French
  • he Hebrew
  • it Italian
  • ja Japanese
  • nl Dutch
  • pl Polish
  • pt-BR Brazilian Portuguese
  • ru Russian
  • sv Swedish
  • tr Turkish
  • zh-CN Simplified Chinese

translations optional  #
To override either a locale or a particular string, pass in a translations object here. The Calendar Sync element uses the calendar_sync translation “context”.

Read more about customizing translations

single_profile optional  #
Limits the number of profiles that can be added using the Element to 1. Will still display all linked profiles (no matter how many there are) and will allow those profiles to be edited/removed, but will prevent any more from being added. Defaults to false.

This sets avoid_linking to true, so the element will avoid linking calendar accounts together under one set of credentials.

Read more about avoid_linking

callback optional  #
The function to be called when an action has occurred within the Element. Receives an object in the format:

    "notification": {
        "type": "notification_type"
    "userinfo": {
        "sub": "acc_5700a00eb0ccd07000000000",
        "email": "",
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "zoneinfo": "Europe/London",
        "cronofy.type": "account",
        "": {
            "authorization": {
                "scope": "read_write"
            "profiles": [
                    "provider_name": "google",
                    "profile_id": "pro_n23kjnwrw2",
                    "profile_name": "",
                    "profile_connected": true,
                    "profile_initial_sync_required": true,
                    "profile_calendars": [
                            "calendar_id": "cal_n23kjnwrw2_jsdfjksn234",
                            "calendar_name": "Home",
                            "calendar_readonly": false,
                            "calendar_deleted": false,
                            "calendar_primary": true,
                            "permission_level": "sandbox"
                            "calendar_id": "cal_n23kjnwrw2_n1k323nkj23",
                            "calendar_name": "Work",
                            "calendar_readonly": true,
                            "calendar_deleted": true,
                            "calendar_primary": false,
                            "permission_level": "sandbox"

The object will include a notification object and a current userinfo object when the userinfo has changed. The notification object will always have a type attribute to allow you to determine how to handle it. Your application should ignore notifications it does not understand as new ones may be added in future.


Alongside the type of profile_revoked will be the details of the profile from before its revocation:

    "notification": {
        "type": "profile_revoked",
        "profile": {
            "provider_name": "apple",
            "profile_id": "pro_fe145c37de",
            "profile_name": "",
            "profile_connected": true,
            "profile_initial_sync_required": false,
            "profile_calendars": [
                  "calendar_id": "cal_fe145c37de_3nkj23wejk1",
                  "calendar_name": "Bank Holidays",
                  "calendar_readonly": true,
                  "calendar_deleted": false,
                  "calendar_primary": false,
                  "permission_level": "sandbox"
    "userinfo": {

This callback is invoked when the user presses the revoke button. This doesn’t change the userinfo and so it’s not included in the callback.

    "notification": {
        "type": "profile_revoke_pressed",
        "profile": {
            "provider_name": "apple",
            "profile_id": "pro_fe145c37de",
            "profile_name": "",
            "profile_connected": true,
            "profile_initial_sync_required": false,
            "profile_calendars": [
                  "calendar_id": "cal_fe145c37de_3nkj23wejk1",
                  "calendar_name": "Bank Holidays",
                  "calendar_readonly": true,
                  "calendar_deleted": false,
                  "calendar_primary": false,
                  "permission_level": "sandbox"

styles optional  #
An object that controls the pre-packaged element styles.

styles.colors optional  #
Use these options to set the colors for various parts of the Element without the need to add your own custom CSS. Each color option accepts either a valid HEX code (e.g. available: "#FF0000") or a browser-safe color name (e.g. available: "tomato")

  • hairline - horizontal rules and link borders. Defaults to "#D8D8D8"
  • primary - button background color. Defaults to "#15B3D6"

styles.prefix optional  #
Customizable elements are given a prefixed class name using this value. For example, if the prefix was set as “Foo”, the class name on a slot element would be Foo__slot. Defaults to the name of the element (e.g. "CalendarSync").

demo optional  #
Boolean to activate demo-mode. Defaults to false. If demo is set to true the element will return mock data (and not make any API calls).

config.logs optional  #
Set the level of logging you want to appear in the console:

  • info: show verbose logging (recommended for development use only).
  • warn: (default) only log errors and warnings.
  • error: only log errors.
  • none: suppress all console output from the Element.

config.revoke_mode optional  #
CalendarSync has two options of revocation:

  • trigger_and_callback (default)
  • callback_only

When omitted or set to trigger_and_callback, pressing the revoke profile button triggers a notification of revoke_profile_pressed and makes an API call to revoke the profile. Once this call completes, a notification with the type provile_revoked is sent to the callback.

When callback_only is set, pressing the revoke profile button does not call the API and only triggers the notification with the type revoke_profile_pressed. This allows your application to perform any pre-revoke actions you want (such as calling the bulk_delete endpoint to remove all of your events). It is then the responsibility of your application to make the revoke profile API call.

Usage in an iframe #

The CalendarSync Element can be placed in an iframe. Our authorization flows do not support being loaded in an iframe, however. To support starting authorization flows, the calendar provider buttons will navigate the top level of the current browser window (i.e. target="_top").

Styling #

Cronofy UI Elements come with built-in CSS that control their layout (as well as adding a generic theme with placeholder colors and spacing). You can specify any style rule you like in your own stylesheet.

To be sure to avoid specificity issues with CSS, make sure any custom selectors you add are preceded by .PREFIX. For example, if your prefix is ABC, you would target the button styles with this selector:

.ABC .ABC__button {
    /* your button styles go here */

Element classes #

PREFIX default is CalendarSync.

  • {PREFIX}__title
  • {PREFIX}__profiles
  • {PREFIX}__profile
  • {PREFIX}__profile-name
  • {PREFIX}__providers
  • {PREFIX}__provider-icon
  • {PREFIX}__provider-auth
  • {PREFIX}__provider-auth-text
  • {PREFIX}__provider-icon--google
  • {PREFIX}__provider-icon--apple
  • {PREFIX}__provider-icon--outlook
  • {PREFIX}__provider-icon--office365
  • {PREFIX}__provider-status
  • {PREFIX}__status--active
  • {PREFIX}__status--inactive
  • {PREFIX}__status-label
  • {PREFIX}__status-icon
  • {PREFIX}__status-icon--tick
  • {PREFIX}__status-icon--reload
  • {PREFIX}__status-icon--pending
  • {PREFIX}__loading-wrapper
  • {PREFIX}__footer
  • {PREFIX}__edit-toggle
  • {PREFIX}__edit-toggle-button
  • {PREFIX}__edit-toggle-icon
  • {PREFIX}__edit-toggle-text
  • {PREFIX}__add-toggle
  • {PREFIX}__add-toggle-button
  • {PREFIX}__add-toggle-icon
  • {PREFIX}__add-toggle-text
  • {PREFIX}__remove
  • {PREFIX}__remove-icon

Element methods #

refresh()  #

From time to time you may wish to reload the CalendarSync UI Element on the page. You can do this with the CalendarSync.refresh() method:

// Load CalendarSync Element:
const CalendarSync = CronofyElements.CalendarSync(optionsObject);

// Refresh the CalendarSync Element:
update()  #

Should you need to update the options for any Element, you can reload them with the .update() method (this requires you to have saved your Element instance to a variable beforehand):

// Load CalendarSync Element:
const CalendarSync = CronofyElements.CalendarSync(optionsObject);

// Update the CalendarSync Element with new options:

When updating, you do not need to redeclare all the options; you just need to add the ones you want to update.

Note: the CalendarSync.update() method must be called with an options object, otherwise a warning-level log notification will be fired.