The Process - Commercial Roles

Below is an overview of our interview process for non-Engineering roles (i.e. Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance etc.)

First stage - screening with our Head of Talent #

The first thing you’ll do is have a 30 minute call with Mark, our Head of Talent. The objective of this call is to learn more about your career history, your experience, and for Mark to tell you more about the company and role. It’s an opportunity to ask those early questions to help you understand if this is the right role and company for you.

We recommend preparing to talk through your experience, covering any gaps in your career history, and talking about your skills and achievements that lend themselves well to the role you’re applying for. Make sure you prepare your questions!

Top tip: It’s a get to know each other session, make sure you research us!

Second stage - meet the Hiring Manager #

Next up, you’ll speak to the Manager you’d be reporting to, for around 30 minutes. Their objective is to delve a little deeper into your skills; these could be technical or non-technical. It’s all about working out how well you match the role. The Hiring Manager will also be looking for the gaps in your experience to understand what sort of training or upskilling you may need to be successful with us.

This is also a chance to learn more about the team, how they work and what your day-to-day tasks might include. We’d recommend asking searching questions here - the devil is in the detail!

Top tip: Our Hiring Managers are looking for you to interview them!

Third stage - Panel Interview #

At this stage we’d invite you to a more formal interview, normally 90 minutes long, and would include at least two interviewers (usually the Hiring Manager and one other senior member who knows the role well). Usually this is over Zoom, but if the opportunity presents itself we may look to do this face-to-face at a convenient place.

The interview is made up of three parts:

A presentation #

We’d send you the brief in advance so you can prepare something to present to us (circa 15 minutes). It could be a 30/60/90 day plan or even based on a project you’ve done that’s related to the role. It’s all about how your skills and knowledge fit with this role. You should expect to present this over Zoom via screen share. Our interviewers will likely have follow-up questions and want to delve into the presentation in more detail.

Skills and culture add #

Around half an hour would be scheduled to explore your experience, working history and why you made certain moves and decisions in your career. This helps us to understand your approach to problems and your thought processes. It’s less about your specific skills, but how they’re put into practice and what environments you do your best work in. We’re also looking for your alignment with our Principles.

Final questions #

Any last questions from either side. Hopefully you’ll know our business and the role, and we’d be looking for you to interrogate us. What do you need to know to decide if this is the right role for you?

Top tip: Expect us to test you here, and to make sure your answers are what we’re looking for. Check out our assessment criteria for more information!

Final stage - Offer #

When we make an offer, we’d give you the opportunity to speak with anyone in the business either before or after making your decision on whether to accept. This isn’t part of our selection process, but we’ve found it helps future employees learn more about the culture and whether this is a place they want to work.

Top tip: While not essential, you could get some value out of speaking to other members of the team you’re joining.