The Process - Support Roles

Below is an overview of our interview process for Support and Support Engineering roles.

First stage - Interview with our Head of Talent and Operations Lead #

The first thing you’ll do is have a 30-60 minute call with Mark, our Head of Talent, and Rob, our Operations Lead (and the manager of the Support team). The objective of this call is to learn more about your career history, your experience, and for Rob and Mark to tell you more about the company and role. It’s an opportunity to ask those early questions to help you understsand if this is the right role and company for you.

During this call, Mark and Rob will be looking for examples from your career that relate closely to the role and responsibilities. Given the nature of our Support positions, we rarely look for senior levels of experience, so a familiarity with supporting customers and a solid foundation of technical knowledge is more important. We’ll be looking for the matches between your experience and this role, while also looking to understand your career ambitions.

We recommend preparing to talk through your CV, covering any gaps in your career history, and sharing examples from your career history that lend themselves well to the role you’re applying for. Make sure you prepare your questions!

Top tip: Unlike most our interview processes, this interview rolls ‘screening and hiring manager’ into one meeting. It might sound daunting, but it’s a great opportunity to get lots of information about us very early on in the process. Make sure you prepare your questions and research us!

Second stage - Task and Interview #

At this stage, we’d invite you to a more formal interview, around 90 minutes long, with Rob (Operations Lead) and Garry (CTO). Usually this is over Zoom, but if the opportunity presents itself we may try to do this face-to-face at a convenient place.

The interview is made up of two parts:

A take home task #

Before this interview takes place, we’d send over a brief that we’d ask you to complete and send back to us 24 hours before your interview. It would be a handful of typical support questions, and we’d ask for your written responses to those as if you were a Support Engineer at Cronofy. You can take as much time as you like to complete these, and you have full access to our docs page to help you with the answers. During the interview we’d discuss your responses and explore your thought process and approach to answering (or solving) these ‘customer’ issues.

Skills and culture add #

The rest of the interview would be used to further delve into your experience, working history and why you made certain moves and decisions in your career. Rob and Garry will look to understand your approach to problems and your thought process. It’s less about your specific skills, but how they’re put into practice and what environments you work best in. We’re also looking for your alignment with our Principles.

Top tip: Expect to talk about scenarios and your approach to problems. Support roles offer a clear career progression path, so we’re really interested to know where you want to progress and how you want to get there. Check out our assessment criteria for more information!

Final stage - Offer #

When making an offer, we’d give you the opportunity to speak with anyone in the business either before or after making your decision on whether to accept. This isn’t part of our selection process, but we’ve found it helps future employees learn more about the culture and whether this is a place they want to work.

Top tip: While not essential, you could get some value from speaking to other members of the team you’re joining.