Cronofy must be granted access to the underlying provider by the end-user
completing an authorization process.
actor user as End-user
participant cronofy as Cronofy
participant calendar as Calendar provider
user->>cronofy: Connection initiation
activate user
activate calendar
par Provider OAuth flow
cronofy->>calendar: User presented authorization challenge
par OAuth token exchange
calendar->>cronofy: Code for authorized challenge sent via browser
cronofy->>calendar: Redeem code for OAuth tokens server-to-server
calendar->>cronofy: OAuth tokens
cronofy->>user: Authorization complete
deactivate calendar
deactivate user
Similar processes are undertaken for supporting services such as video
conferencing providers. Authorization and authentication models vary, but OAuth
2.0 with bearer tokens is the most common model.
When an API integrator is requesting access to an end-user’s schedule, there is
an additional layer of authorization where the end-user grants the integrator
a level of access to the data held by Cronofy about them.
actor user as End-user
participant integrator as API integrator
participant cronofy as Cronofy
participant calendar as Calendar provider
user->>integrator: Connection initiation
activate user
activate cronofy
par Cronofy OAuth flow
integrator->>cronofy: User presented authorization challenge
activate calendar
par Provider OAuth flow
cronofy->>calendar: User presented authorization challenge
par OAuth token exchange
calendar->>cronofy: Code for authorized challenge sent via browser
cronofy->>calendar: Redeem code for OAuth tokens server-to-server
calendar->>cronofy: OAuth tokens
par OAuth token exchange
cronofy->>integrator: Code for authorized challenge sent via browser
integrator->>cronofy: Redeem code for OAuth tokens server-to-server
cronofy->>integrator: OAuth tokens
deactivate calendar
integrator->>user: Authorization complete
deactivate cronofy
deactivate user
Once a connection is established to an end-user’s schedule, Cronofy continually
updates a cache of their schedule in order to provide its scheduling services.
This synchronization can be split broadly into two types:
The end-users’ schedule changing via their calendar provider - eg. them
putting events into their calendar themselves
The end-users’ schedule being changed via Cronofy - eg. an integrator making
an API call to create an event in their calendar
Where possibly Cronofy uses change notification mechanisms exposed by the
calendar provider to minimize data transfer. When notified of a change, Cronofy
ensures its corresponding cache of data is accurate.
If a change notification mechanism is not available, then polling is used to
detect and apply changes.
participant cronofy as Cronofy
participant calendar as Calendar provider
par Change detection
alt Change notifications available
cronofy->>+calendar: Register for notifications
calendar--)-cronofy: Change notification
loop Every 5 minutes
cronofy->>calendar: Poll for changes
calendar->>cronofy: List of changes
cronofy--)cronofy: Change detected
par Calendar synchronization
cronofy->>calendar: Fetch changes to calendar
calendar->>cronofy: Update cache with changes to calendar
Cronofy is passive in this process, accepting the calendar provider’s view of
the data as the truth.
Integrators can initiate changes to end-users’ schedules when granted sufficient
These changes are processed by Cronofy and then applied to the end-user’s
calendar as necessary.
participant integrator as API integrator
participant cronofy as Cronofy
participant calendar as Calendar provider
integrator->>cronofy: Request to update the state of a calendar event
cronofy->>integrator: 202 Accepted response
cronofy--)cronofy: Reconcilation of request with known state
alt Change required
cronofy->>calendar: Calls necessary to move the event into the requested state
Whilst Cronofy is more active in this process, it is only triggered by the
end-user, or an integration acting on behalf of an end-user.